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Our Testimonials

  • De Luca law firm supports us, constantly updating us on information technology aspects and Giuliano De Luca has become our point of reference also for international contracts”.

    Roberto Savarese
    CEO Sorrento Sapori e Tradizioni
  • The expertise and competence of Giuliano De Luca are a point of reference for our company”.

    Paolo Bomparola
    CEO Marketing01
  • We are a company that has always focused on innovation and information technology and the attorney Giuliano De Luca has constantly provided us with valuable support in the legal aspects”.

    Gianfranco Acampora
    GM Grand Hotel Aminta
  • I have collaborated several times with Giuliano De Luca: he is a trained and competent colleague and professional in a field that is constantly evolving and in which a thousand pitfalls are hidden … I recommend him also and above all for his humanity and willingness”.

    Avv. Danilo Di Maio
  • I would like to thank Giuliano De Luca, because he has helped to restore the right dignity to my image, because he continues to supervise and protect me, informing me about everything that is important for my profession”.

    Veronica Maya
    Veronica Maya
    Actress and Talk Show host