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Trademarks and domain names protection

Trademarks Protection

We can offer you highly specialized assistance for a correct branding strategy. Indeed, the protection of a trademark must be considered starting from the design phase of the company’s distinctive brand. In particular, De Luca Law Firm can assist you from the analysis and market research phases up to the drafting of the application for registration of the trademark before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, the EUIPO and the WIPO.

Domain names dispute resolution

The so-called cybersquatting phenomenon, or domain name grabbing, is particularly insidious for a company that cares about its business. More and more often competitors or cybercriminals register domain names that are similar or in any case confusing with famous brands in order to take advantage of them.Mr. De Luca has gained extensive experience in domain name reassignment since 2004, assisting national and international companies in filing appeals with the Italian WIPO and PSRD (Dispute Resolution Service Providers). As a result, it has been possible to obtain the transfer in their favour of cybersquatting domain names.

With regard to the reassignment of domain names you can consult the articles of Mr. Giuliano De Luca published in the main national legal journals (Link)