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Business Consultancy

Nowadays setting up an e-commerce website is as easy as drinking a glass of water! But how many of the sites we see online are compliant with the regulations? Does your website provide customers with all the mandatory informations? Do you know the consequences of not providing those informations? Are your customers in a position to exercise their right of withdrawal? Our Law Firm can offer highly specialized consultancy starting from the design phase of your e-commerce site. We will work by interfacing with your web agengy, in order to create a site that complies with the regulations. Paying attention to the legal aspects from the design phase of an e-commerce site is an investment, a way to prevent sanctions and claims from customers.

Consumers Consultancy

Have you made a purchase online and are not satisfied with the product? The characteristics do not correspond to those advertised? How can you protect yourself?

Although online purchases are becoming more and more affordable for everyone, it is important to know the legal aspects on the net. We offer assistance to consumers in any dispute related to online purchases, in order to exercise their rights regarding pre-contractual information, right of withdrawal, and warranty.

Remember that for the purchase of goods online you can always exercise your right of withdrawal, which allows you to return the purchased product without having to provide any justification. The right of withdrawal can be exercised in a maximum period of time of 14 days. But be careful, if you have not provided all the mandatory information, during the purchase, the period for the exercise of the right of withdrawal is extended.


Background Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash